What can I wear to look eclectic

There's no one answer to this question - it depends on your personal style. However, we've put together a few tips to help you put together an eclectic outfit.

One way to achieve an eclectic look is to mix and match different patterns and prints. Pair a floral dress with a striped top, or a polka dot skirt with a plaid shirt. Another way to achieve an eclectic look is to mix different textures and fabrics. Pair a leather jacket with a silk scarf, or a wool skirt with a cotton tee.

You can also mix different colors and shades to create an eclectic look. Pair a bright top with a neutral bottom, or a pastel dress with a bold accessory. And don't be afraid to mix different eras - a vintage dress with modern shoes, or a retro top with contemporary pants.

The key to pulling off an eclectic look is to have confidence. Wear your outfit with confidence and you'll look fabulous no matter what you're wearing.

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